Day 82: Pushing Through the Pain - Intense Interval Training

 Today's training session was an intensive interval session, which began with a 15-minute warm-up before moving into 5 x 2 minute efforts in heart rate zone 4, with a 1 minute recovery between each effort.

Although the distance was shorter, it was mentally tough to maintain my pace and not push myself too hard. I had to ease off a couple of times to prevent over-stressing my body and pushing my heart rate into the anaerobic zone.

As I wind down for the day, I'm looking forward to getting some well-deserved rest. Fortunately, I have no early wake-up calls tomorrow, so I can sleep in and let my body recover. I won't be stretching before bed, but I'll make sure to do some light stretching before my next run.

With the London Marathon only a few weeks away (don't forget, it's on April 23rd!), the pressure is on to maintain my training regimen. It's a challenge to keep pushing myself forward, but I know it'll be worth it when I cross that finish line.


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