Finding Balance: Life, Hobbies, and Marathon Training

 Welcome back to my London Marathon 2023 training blog! Today is day 102 out of 112, and unfortunately, life got in the way of my training. As much as we try to stick to a training plan, sometimes unexpected events can disrupt our routine, and that's okay.

So, there was no run for me today, but I did manage to finish painting my latest Blood Bowl team. As a runner, I find it essential to have hobbies and other interests to keep me balanced and grounded. Painting miniatures is my go-to hobby, and it's a great way to unwind after a long day at work or a tough workout. Plus, it's always satisfying to see the finished product.

While it's essential to prioritise our training, it's equally important to make time for the things that make us happy and help us relax. After all, training for a marathon is a long and challenging process, and we need to take care of our mental health as well as our physical health.

Tomorrow is a new day, and I'll be back out on the streets for a testing threshold run. Threshold runs are an essential part of marathon training, as they help us improve our lactate threshold and running efficiency. These runs are tough, but they are also incredibly beneficial, so I'm looking forward to testing my limits and seeing how far I can push myself.

As always, it's essential to listen to our bodies and adjust our training as needed. If we need to take a day off or change our workout, it's okay. What matters most is staying consistent and committed to our goals.

That's all for today's blog post. I'll be back tomorrow with an update on my threshold run. Until then, happy training!


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