Day 11: Overcoming Adversity: Dealing with Unexpected Hospital Visits

 It's been a tough day, to say the least. My training schedule is demanding, and I have been pushing myself to the limit to achieve my goals. However, today was a day that I didn't expect and couldn't have prepared for. My daughter, Polly, fell ill unexpectedly and required a trip to the hospital. It was a worrying time, and I spent several hours with her in the long wait to be seen. Polly was seen by the doctors and was prescribed medication. She's happy and cheery, despite feeling unwell, which is a relief. She is doing well and will make a speedy recovery.

Despite the unexpected interruption, I did manage to fit in my recovery session earlier in the day. The plan had me running for 30 minutes in heart rate zone 2, which is a low-intensity workout designed to aid recovery after a hard workout. This was followed by 30 minutes on the stationary bike, which is also a low-intensity workout that helps to increase blood flow and promote recovery. I have to admit, it was a strange session for me, as I had never done anything like it before. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it, but I do know that it made it tight to fit in before work.

I will definitely keep this in mind for the next time it comes up on the plan. I don't want to sacrifice my training schedule, but I also don't want to neglect my responsibilities and relationships. Finding a balance between the two can be challenging, but it is essential if I want to achieve my goals.

One thing I realised today is that my training schedule is not just about running and working out. It's also about being able to adapt and adjust when unexpected things happen. It's about being able to prioritise my responsibilities and relationships while still working towards my goals. It's about being able to find a balance between everything and not letting one thing consume me.

Tomorrow is a rest day, which is most welcome, as today has been quite draining. I'm looking forward to taking a break and allowing my body to recover and rejuvenate. I'll be taking it easy and focusing on taking care of myself, both physically and mentally.

Overall, today has been a challenging day, but it has also been a valuable learning experience. I've learned that training for a marathon is not just about running and working out, but also about being able to adapt and adjust when unexpected things happen. I've learned that it's important to prioritise my responsibilities and relationships while still working towards my goals. And most importantly, I've learned that it's essential to find a balance between everything and not let one thing consume me.

Now, I am looking forward to tomorrow and the rest day that comes with it. I hope to come back stronger and better prepared for the next training session.


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