Day 13: Intervals in the Wind and a Watch that went a bit crazy!

 Today was intervals day for me and let me tell you, it was a bit of a blustery one. I was running into the wind for most of the way and it felt like I was trying to run through a hurricane. But, as they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

The intervals consisted of 4x5-minute hard runs in heart rate zone 4 with a 2-minute recovery in between. I was feeling good, pushing myself and getting into the zone. But then, something strange happened with my trusty Garmin Fenix 6s Pro. It started beeping at me and upon looking down, it said I was in heart rate zone 6 with a heart rate of 195! I immediately checked to make sure I wasn't in fact dead, but thankfully I was still alive and well.

I quickly took my watch off, wiped it on my shirt and popped it back on. After a few seconds, it seemed to be working fine again. I was relieved that the problem was resolved, but it did make me wonder what caused the issue in the first place.

It's possible that the watch may have malfunctioned due to the weather conditions, as the wind was quite strong during my run. Additionally, it's also possible that the watch may have been affected by sweat or other moisture on my skin. But, I like to think that it was just my heart rate getting so high that it broke the watch's sensors. A true British runner, pushing the limits and breaking records, even if it's just my own personal ones.

Despite this small hiccup, I was able to finish my intervals and complete my training session as planned. It's important to have a backup plan and be prepared for unexpected issues during training, especially when preparing for a marathon. And let's be honest, if a little wind and a watch malfunction can't stop me, then nothing can.

One thing that I learnt today is that a watch can be a bit like the British weather, unpredictable and unreliable. But, just like the British weather, it can also surprise you with a beautiful sunny day. So, I'll be sure to keep an eye on my heart rate and monitor my watch during future training runs to ensure that everything is functioning properly.

In conclusion, it was a good training session despite the windy conditions and the small issue with my watch. And as always, I'll keep pushing myself and training hard for the London Marathon 2023. So, stay tuned for more updates and let's see how far we can push ourselves together. Cheers!


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