Day 15: Bracing for the Cold: Preparing for Tomorrow's Run in Rochester

 Day 15 of my London Marathon 2023 training and it was a most welcome rest day today, I tell you! After the hard runs at the weekend and a 90 minute run yesterday, my body was in need of a bit of a break. But, with tomorrow's forecast calling for a downright chilly -3 degrees Celsius in Rochester, my mind is already focused on preparing for the bracing run ahead.

I'll be donning my warmest gear for this one, including my trusty hat and gloves. And who knows, there could even be some snow! But, I won't let a little bit of cold weather dampen my spirits. I'll be out there, braving the elements and sticking to my training schedule come rain, shine, or snow.

I know that the hardships of training are what make the accomplishment of running the marathon that much sweeter. And let's be honest, who doesn't love a bit of a challenge? After all, if it was easy, everyone would do it, wouldn't they?

So, if you're also training for a marathon, or any other big event, don't let a bit of cold weather get you down. Embrace it, and know that every step you take, no matter the temperature, is one step closer to achieving your goal. And, if all else fails, just think of the hot cup of tea (with a touch of whisky in it at the weekends) you'll have waiting for you after the run. Now that's something to look forward to!


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