Day 18: Braving the Elements: Navigating Cold Weather Training for the London Marathon

 Today marks day 18 of my London Marathon 2023 training journey and it's been a bit of a mixed bag. I started off the morning with a 45-minute recovery run in heart rate zone 2, and I must say, it was a bit of a challenge to be back on the pavements after spending yesterday on the stationary bike.

The weather was as expected, with the temperature hovering around a chilly 1 degree Celsius. Despite the cold, I reminded myself that this is all part of the training process and that the more I push myself now, the better prepared I'll be come marathon day.

I'm happy to report that I felt reasonably good throughout the run. I didn't feel too tired or sluggish and I was able to maintain a steady pace. I focused on my breathing and tried to keep my heart rate in check, which can be a bit of a challenge when running on the pavement.

One of the things that I've been working on throughout my training is my form. I've been trying to keep my shoulders relaxed, my arms swinging naturally, and my feet landing gently on the ground. It's not always easy to maintain good form, especially when you're feeling tired or the weather is less than ideal, but I'm finding that the more I focus on it, the better my overall running experience becomes.

Overall, today's run was a good one. I'm happy with how I felt and I'm looking forward to continuing my training. The next few weeks are going to be really important as I start to up my mileage and work on building my endurance. But I'm feeling confident and ready to take on the challenge.


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