Day 28 of My London Marathon 2023 Training: A Long and Eventful Run to Faversham

 Today was a big day for me as I took on a long run in the direction of Faversham. I have done this particular route a few times before, so I had a good idea of what I was in for. The plan was to run for 2 hours 15 minutes in heart rate zone 2, but as it turns out, I ended up running for 2 hours 22 minutes - the longest continuous run I've had in years!

As I set out this afternoon, I was filled with excitement and a bit of nervousness. I've always loved running, but it's been a few years since I've pushed myself to run for this long, so I wasn't sure how my body would respond. But I was determined to give it my best shot and see where I could get.

To keep myself going, I made sure to stay well hydrated by using the water reservoir in my backpack. I also had some fruit pastilles on hand to keep my energy levels up. With these two things in place, I felt ready to tackle the route ahead.

The first few miles of the run went smoothly. I felt good, my breathing was steady, and my legs were moving at a good pace. I was feeling confident and ready to conquer the rest of the route. However, the only drawback of doing a run in the afternoon was that I found myself running in the dark for the final 30 minutes. Running along the A2 in the dark was not the most enjoyable experience, as I could barely see the path in front of me. But I pushed through and made it to the finish line, proud of myself for not giving up.

As I reflect on my run today, I can't help but smile. Despite the challenges I faced along the way, I'm glad I pushed myself to run for 2 hours 22 minutes and while my legs may be a bit sore tomorrow, which funnily enough is a rest day, I know that the experience was worth it.

In conclusion, today's run was a big step forward in my London Marathon 2023 training journey. It was a long, eventful, and challenging run, but I'm glad I did it. And I can't wait to see what other adventures and obstacles I'll encounter along the way!


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