London Marathon 2023 Training: Day 12 and Beyond - Powering through Intervals and the Long Haul

 Today marked day 12 of my London Marathon 2023 training journey and I must say, the rest day was most welcome. After a late night at the hospital with my daughter Polly, my legs were feeling like they had run a marathon themselves. But fear not, my trusty running shoes will be back on and ready for action tomorrow. I will also look forward to the extra couple of hours in bed tonight as Saturdays mean no 5:15am alarm call!

Tomorrow has intervals back on the menu. I can already feel my lungs begging for mercy and my legs pleading for a break. But, I remind myself that the end goal is worth all the pain and suffering. And let's not forget, the delicious post-marathon treats that await me at the finish line.

As if that isn't challenging enough, this Sunday's schedule includes a 90-minute run. It's a long haul, but I'll power through and remind myself that every step brings me closer to the finish line.

So far, this journey has been a rollercoaster of emotions, but the progress I've made is worth all the effort and I've found that running alone allows me to focus on my own pace and progress.

Training for a marathon is not easy. It takes dedication, commitment and a lot of willpower. But the sense of accomplishment and the feeling of crossing that finish line is unlike anything else. So, if you're thinking about signing up for a marathon, do it. And if you're already in the midst of training, keep going. The finish line is within reach.

So, here's to a tough day of intervals and to the long run ahead. I'll see you at the finish line. Cheers!


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