Pushing Through the Tough Days: Reflections on Day 20 of London Marathon Training

 Today marked day 20 of my training for the London Marathon and it was back to intervals. I was in for a bit of a shock when I saw that the workout included two TEN-minute runs in heart rate zone 4. This was a significant step up from my usual interval training and I knew it was going to be a tough workout.

As I began my warm-up, I felt a mix of excitement and nerves. I knew that this workout would challenge me, but I also knew that pushing myself to new limits would ultimately make me a stronger runner. And so, I set off on my first ten-minute interval, feeling the familiar burn in my legs and the quickening of my breath as my heart rate rose.

As the minutes ticked by, I could feel myself struggling to keep my pace up. It was like dragging myself through treacle towards the end of each interval. There's nothing worse than looking down at your watch and seeing that you've only run another 15 seconds since the last time you checked. I found myself counting down the seconds, willing the interval to end. But at the same time, I knew that if I could push through this tough workout, it would only make me stronger in the long run.

After the first interval, I took a short break to catch my breath before starting the second one. This one felt even harder than the first. The sun was out, which made me feel like I should be hotter, but the air temperature was still cold enough to keep the local pond frozen over. The cold air made my lungs burn and I could feel my muscles start to ache. But I pushed on, knowing that I was almost there.

Finally, the second interval was over, and I could hardly believe that I had managed to complete it. I was out of breath and my legs felt like lead, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. I knew that this was a significant step forward in my training, and I couldn't wait to see how it would translate to my long runs and eventually, the marathon itself.

Tomorrow is my long run day, so I'll be resting up this evening and keeping my fingers crossed for a Jacksonville Jaguars playoff win. Training for a marathon is no easy feat, but I know that pushing through the tough days will make me stronger in the long run. I know that the next few weeks of training will be even harder, but I am more determined than ever to reach my goal.

I am determined to run the best marathon possible and I know that it will take a lot of hard work and dedication. I am looking forward to the long runs, the intervals, and the fartlek runs. I am excited to see how my body responds to the training and how I will improve. I know there will be a lot of ups and downs, but I am ready for the challenge.

In conclusion, today's interval workout was a real test of my willpower and determination. It was tough, but I know that it will pay off in the long run. I am looking forward to the next few weeks of training and I know that with hard work, dedication and the support of my friends and family, I will be able to achieve my goal of running the best marathon possible. Here's to a successful training cycle and a strong marathon finish.


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