Rest Day Reflections: London Marathon 2023 Training Plan, Day 8

 Today was another rest day, which was fortunate as it was a long day at work starting at 7am and finishing at 9pm. I was grateful to have the chance to take it easy and give my body some extra time to recover. Rest days are as ever, an important part of any training plan and I will continue to make sure to include them in my schedule to ensure that I don't overexert myself and risk injury.

Monday is also weigh-in day for me, and while I am not using my marathon training to specifically target any particular weight, I was happy to see that I weighed in at 115kg today. This is a loss of 3kg from last week, or about 7 pounds in imperial units. It's always encouraging to see progress, and I am committed to continuing to work towards my health and fitness goals.

Tomorrow will be a return to running, and I am looking forward to getting back out on the pavement and putting in some miles. I'll be pounding the pavements of Rochester once again, and I am eager to see how my training is progressing. It's hard to believe that we are already on day 8 of my London Marathon 2023 training plan. Time seems to be flying by, and I am eager to see what the next few weeks and months will bring.

Training for a marathon is no easy feat, and it requires a lot of dedication and hard work. But I am determined to see it through to the finish line, and I am excited to see how far I can push myself. I know it's going to be a challenging journey, but I am ready to take it on and see what I am capable of. Here's to a successful training plan and a successful marathon!


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