Day 38: The Unexpected Hurdle

 Today started as any other training day for me, with my 30-minute recovery run around the streets of Rochester. I was feeling great and ready to tackle another day of teaching. However, just as I was getting ready to start the day at school, I received some unexpected news.

My daughter Daisy was continuing to feel unwell and had not had a great night and upon seeking further medical advice, I needed to take her back to see the doctor. It was a stressful and worrying time, as it's never easy to see your children not feeling well. I quickly made arrangements and took her for some tests and observations.

Despite the unexpected interruption, I was grateful to have a supportive team at work who were understanding and allowed me to take the time I needed. As a teacher and a parent, it's important to have that balance and support when unexpected things arise.

Thankfully, after a few hours, Daisy seemed to be back on the road to recovery and was in good spirits. I was relieved and grateful that she was on the mend. It was a reminder that health and family should always come first, no matter what else is happening in our lives.

Fingers crossed, tomorrow will be back to plan and I can get back to my training schedule without any further interruptions. I am grateful for the support of those around me and will continue to keep pushing forward towards the finish line of the London Marathon.


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