Day 41: Overcoming Mind Games: Interval Training on a Sick Day

 Today was a bit of a battle against my own mind, but I came out on top. I woke up feeling a little under the weather and really didn't feel like running at all, but I know that the best time to go for a run is when you are fighting against your own thoughts. That's when you have to win! So, I put on my running gear, laced up my shoes and headed out the door.

I decided to do intervals today, 3 x 10 minute hard efforts in heart rate zone 4, with a 1:30 minute recovery in between each effort. It was tough, at times I still didn't want to run, but I managed to get through it. The feeling of accomplishment after finishing my run was worth all the effort and pushing through the tough moments.

Tomorrow is a big day for me, as I will be running for 2 and a half hours, which will be the longest run in this training plan so far. I'm excited for the challenge and to see how far I've come in my training. I'm also looking forward to the endorphins and feeling of accomplishment after I finish my run tomorrow.

P.S. Don't forget that you can still donate to the Sittingbourne Carnival Court via my GoFundMe page. It's a big night for the court tonight as a new Miss Sittingbourne will be crowned along with the rest of the court. Let's show our support for a great cause.


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