Day 47: A Day of Rest, Fun, and Relaxation – How I Spent My Rest Day in Rochester

Today was a rest day, and I spent it in Rochester with my wife Kelly. And let me tell you, we had a great time!

We started the day off right with a full English breakfast. Now, I know what you're thinking – "Aren't you training for a marathon? Shouldn't you be eating super healthy?" But come on, we all deserve a treat now and then, don't we? And what's a better treat than a good old-fashioned fry-up?

After our delicious breakfast, we decided to try our luck at bingo. And let me tell you, it was intense! Kelly was on fire and actually won the game! To top off our day of relaxation and fun, we stopped by a local comic book shop. I'm a huge fan of comic books and it was great to squeeze into the small shop in Rochester and get a new one. I may have had a day off from running, but I'll be back at it tomorrow with my intervals. I'm feeling recharged and ready to tackle the next phase of my training.

Oh, and one more thing before I sign off – don't forget that you can still donate to the Sittingbourne Carnival Court via my GoFundMe page. It's a great cause, and every little bit helps. So if you're feeling generous, head over to my page and make a donation. You'll be supporting a great cause and helping me reach my fundraising goals.

Thanks for following along with my training journey, and I'll see you on the next update. Keep running, keep smiling, and never forget to have a little fun along the way!


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