Day 57: Recharging and Preparing for the Next Challenge

 It's day 57 of my London Marathon training, and today was a much-needed rest day. After yesterday's long run, my body was begging for a break, and I was more than happy to oblige.

But tomorrow, it's back to the grind. This week, the duration of my recovery runs is increasing to 45 minutes, and I can already feel the burn just thinking about it. But it's all part of the process, and I know that every step I take is getting me closer to my goal.

Speaking of goals, Sunday is going to be a big day. That's when I'll start running close to marathon pace on those long runs. It's both exciting and terrifying to think about, but I'm ready for the challenge. I've been putting in the work, and I know that I can do this.

Of course, there will be ups and downs along the way. Some days, I'll feel like I'm flying, and other days, I'll feel like I'm slogging through quicksand. But that's all part of the journey. The key is to keep going, to keep pushing forward no matter what.

So here's to day 57 of my London Marathon training, to rest days that recharge our batteries, and to the hard work that it takes to achieve our dreams. See you on the road!

P.S. Don't forget that you can still support a great cause by donating to the Sittingbourne Carnival Court via my GoFundMe page. Your contributions will make a real difference in our community. Thank you for your support!


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