Overcoming the Cold and Back Pain: Day 39 of My London Marathon 2023 Training

 Today I had a slightly nicer intervals session than usual, with only 5 x 3 minute intervals with a 1:30 minute rest in between. However, this was only made difficult by two things. The first being the COLD! I mean, it was positively freezing out there this morning with frost still on the pavement and a slightly slippy surface. The second difficult thing was the pain in my back, which seems to have resurfaced. I think this time it's due to my hamstrings, which have always been tight and mixed in with the cold, it made my lower back feel like it was on fire.

Despite the challenges, I got through the run okay, but I had to spend the majority of the day sitting down (which I do not enjoy as I prefer to teach at a standing desk). I have always been a firm believer in the benefits of movement, so sitting down all day felt a bit counter-productive. However, I know that rest is important too, and tomorrow will be a rest day for me, so I will be able to take it a little easier on my body.

I must admit, this training has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride. Some days I feel on top of the world, and others I feel like I'm dragging myself through mud. But, that's the beauty of marathon training, it teaches you so much about yourself and what you're capable of. You learn to push through the tough times, and you appreciate the good days even more.

In the meantime, I would like to remind everyone that they can donate to the Sittingbourne Carnival Court and help get the float restored to its former glory via my GoFundMe page. The carnival is a staple in the local community and brings people together, and I'm passionate about helping to make it the best it can be. So, if you have a few pennies to spare, please consider donating and supporting the cause.

Well, that's all for today. I'm off to enjoy my rest day tomorrow, but I'll be back soon with another update on my marathon journey.


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