Pushing Through: Conquering Tough Intervals and Late Gigs in Marathon Training

Today, I tackled a tough interval workout - 6 x 1km in heart rate zone 4. It was challenging, but I got through it.

The weather was not in my favour today. It was cold and wet outside, but I didn't let that stop me from completing my workout. I knew I had to stay on track with my training plan, so I pushed through and gave it my all.

Interval training is an essential part of marathon training because it helps to improve your speed, endurance, and overall fitness. By alternating between high-intensity exercise and periods of rest or low-intensity exercise, your body becomes better equipped to handle the demands of running a marathon.

As I finished my workout, I felt proud of myself for pushing through despite the challenging conditions. However, my day was far from over. Tonight, I have a late gig playing the cajon for a local band called Under the Wood. It will be a fun night of music, but it also means that I'll have to be up early for my long run tomorrow.

I'm not sure how the gig will affect my performance tomorrow, but I'm excited to see how it goes. I know that it will be important to get a good night's sleep and stay hydrated throughout the night to ensure that I'm ready for my long run in the morning.

Overall, today was a successful day of training. I pushed myself to complete a challenging workout and managed to stay on track with my training plan despite the bad weather. I'm looking forward to seeing what tomorrow's long run has in store for me!


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