Recovering in the Sunshine: Day 44 of London Marathon Training with Polly

 Welcome back to my London Marathon training blog, and happy Day 44 of our journey towards the finish line! Today was a recovery run, and I have to admit, it was a much-needed break after some intense training sessions earlier in the week. Joining me on this run was my trusty running buddy, Polly, who accompanied me in her buggy.

The weather was absolutely gorgeous today, with brilliant sunshine and a cool breeze blowing through the air. I couldn't have asked for a better day to go for a run, and Polly seemed to be just as excited as I was. As we started out on our 30-minute jaunt, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to run and soak up the sun.

The run itself was relatively uneventful, which is just what I needed after some tough training sessions earlier in the week. I focused on maintaining a steady pace, while Polly happily looked around, taking in the scenery. It was so peaceful that Polly eventually dozed off, which I took as a sign that we were doing something right.

As we made our way back home, I couldn't help but reflect on the importance of these recovery runs. They may not be as flashy or exciting as some of the other training sessions, but they're a crucial component of any training plan. They allow our bodies to recover and recharge, so we can come back stronger and more energized for the next run.

So, while today's run may not have been the most exciting or challenging, it was exactly what I needed. And seeing Polly peacefully asleep in her buggy was a reminder that sometimes, the most meaningful moments come from the simplest things. Here's to many more uneventful, yet rejuvenating, recovery runs in the future!


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