Balancing Rest and Training: Day 85 of London Marathon 2023 Training Blog

 Hello and welcome to day 85 of my London Marathon 2023 training blog. Today was a well-deserved rest day and my legs surprisingly felt good, despite yesterday's 18-mile run. I was pleasantly surprised by this and I attribute it to a decent night's sleep. It's amazing what a good night's rest can do for your body, especially when it comes to muscle recovery.

Tomorrow, I'll be back to intervals with an early rise at 5:15 am. While I'm excited to get back to running tomorrow, I'm also aware that the next few weeks are going to be tough in the lead up to the 23rd of April. As the marathon approaches, the intensity of training increases, and it becomes crucial to maintain a proper balance between rest and training.

One of the biggest challenges in marathon training is finding the right balance between pushing yourself and preventing injury. It's essential to avoid overtraining and to allow your body to recover. This means taking rest days seriously and making sure that you get enough sleep and proper nutrition.

As we approach the London Marathon 2023, I'm looking forward to the challenges ahead, both physically and mentally. With proper training, rest, and mental preparation, I'm confident that I can achieve my goals.

Thank you for following my journey, and I'll see you on the next blog post!


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