Day 79 of the London Marathon 2023 Blog: Pushing Through Fatigue

 Today was day 79 of my training for the London Marathon 2023. After a late night yesterday, I found it difficult to wake up and get going. However, I pushed through my fatigue and completed a gentle 35-minute recovery run. Recovery runs are important for any runner as they allow the body to recover from intense workouts and prevent injuries.

Tomorrow, I have an intervals run planned, and I'm excited to increase the intensity slightly from previous weeks. Intervals are a great way to improve speed and endurance, and I'm looking forward to seeing my progress.

As I approach the London Marathon, I'm reminded of the reasons why I started this journey. While I'm not running for a specific cause, I'm grateful for the opportunity to support my community by raising funds for the Sittingbourne Carnival Court. If you'd like to donate, you can do so through my GoFundMe page.

As I move forward in my training, I know that there will be challenging days, but I'm ready to face them head-on. With each step, I'm getting closer to my goal of running the London Marathon, and I'm grateful for the support of my community.


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