Day 80 of London Marathon 2023 Training: Conquering Longer Interval Runs and Beautiful Scenery

 It's Day 80 of my London Marathon 2023 training, and I'm excited to share with you how my run went this morning.

Today's workout was a little longer than usual, with 4 x 8 minute efforts in heart rate zone 4 and a 2-minute rest in between. To warm up, I did a 15-minute jog, and then I decided to take a longer route since the mornings have been lighter lately.

I took myself through Borstal, across the M2 Medway bridge, and down into Strood. This route offered a wonderful view over the River Medway, and running across the old Rochester Bridge towards the Rochester Castle was a great experience. The scenery was absolutely breathtaking, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to take in such beautiful sights.

The run itself went well, and I felt strong throughout the intervals. My heart rate was consistently in zone 4, and the 2-minute rest between intervals was just enough time to catch my breath before starting the next one.

However, because the route was a little longer than usual, I found myself needing to rush to get ready for work and have breakfast. But the feeling of accomplishment from completing a challenging workout and experiencing such stunning views was worth the time crunch.

As always, I want to remind you that you can still donate to the Sittingbourne Carnival Court via my GoFundMe page. The Carnival Court is a local tradition that helps bring the community together and celebrate our town's history and heritage. Every little bit helps, so if you can spare some change, it would be greatly appreciated.

In terms of my training, I'm feeling confident and strong. The longer runs are starting to feel more comfortable, and I'm seeing progress in my endurance and pace. Of course, there are still plenty of tough workouts ahead, but I'm excited to tackle them head-on and keep pushing myself towards my goal of completing the London Marathon.

Overall, today's run was a great reminder of why I love running. The feeling of freedom and accomplishment that comes from a challenging workout and experiencing the beauty of the outdoors is truly unparalleled. I'm looking forward to continuing this journey with all of you, and I can't wait to see what the upcoming days of training bring.


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