Day 86: Challenging 1km Intervals and Scenic Routes

Today marks day 86 of my training, and I am excited to share with you my recent interval training session.

As I had mentioned in my previous blog posts, I have been regularly incorporating interval training into my routine to help build my speed and endurance. Today's session was a return to 1km intervals, which are particularly challenging as there is no option but to keep pushing until the distance is completed.

For this workout, I completed six 1km efforts in heart rate zone 4 with a 1:30 minute recovery in between each interval. There were times in the final interval where I was really dragging myself up the hill but I got through it and I am proud to do so. To make the most of this session, I decided to take myself once again across Medway Bridge into Strood and back over Rochester Bridge to complete my run. I really like this route as it provides a nice balance of uphills and downhills.

Tomorrow will be a rest day for me, which I am looking forward to. Rest days are just as important as training days, as they give the body time to recover and prevent injuries. Thursday will see another run, and I am excited to see what the day holds. Until then, I will continue to fuel my body with healthy foods and stay focused on my training goals.

Thanks for reading my blog post for day 86 of my London Marathon 2023 training journey. See you in the next one!


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