Porridge Mishap on Rest Day: Day 71 of London Marathon Training

 Today marks Day 71 of my London Marathon training blog, and I have to say, it's a short one. Why, you ask? Because it's rest day, that's why! And let me tell you, I am relieved about that fact.

You see, this morning was extremely windy. I mean, it was absolutely wild out there! I'm glad I didn't have to run in that. In fact, the wind was so strong that when I took my bowl of porridge outside from my classroom to the staff room, I lost half of the porridge oats to the turbulent tornado in the walkway between the buildings. It was a real mess!

But that's not even the worst part. When I opened the door to the staff room, who did I see but the deputy head! And there I was, being showered in Quaker's Finest! Can you imagine the embarrassment? I couldn't believe my luck.

Anyway, I'm glad I have today to recover and regroup. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'll be ready to tackle whatever challenges come my way. Until then, happy training, fellow runners!


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