Sticking to the Routine: Day 78 of London Marathon Training

 Day 78 of London Marathon training brought a much-needed rest day after yesterday's grueling 3-hour run. Surprisingly, the legs feel good, and there's no major soreness or stiffness. This is a positive sign as the marathon draws closer, and the body needs all the rest it can get.

However, it's not all relaxation as work is super busy at the moment. There's a looming Ofsted inspection, and everyone is on their toes. Despite this, the morning run tomorow will still be a non-negotiable aspect of the day. It's vital to stick to the routine, no matter how busy things get.

Sticking to a routine is one of the keys to success in marathon training. It's essential to maintain a consistent and structured approach to training, regardless of external factors such as work or life stresses. By sticking to the routine, it ensures that there is a certain level of predictability and familiarity, which can reduce anxiety and stress.

So, as day 78 draws to a close, it's time to relax, recover and prepare for tomorrow's busy day at work. Despite the challenges that may come, the morning run is non-negotiable, and it will be done, as sticking to the routine is key to success.


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