Last Long Run Before the Big Day: Reflecting on My London Marathon 2023 Training Journey

 Today was a significant day in my London Marathon 2023 training journey. It was the last run over an hour before the big race day next Sunday. I took Polly out again in her running buggy, and she lasted about 10 minutes before falling asleep this time! It's great to know that I can rely on this tactic to keep her calm and comfortable while I focus on my training.

During the run, I spent 10 minutes in heart rate zone 2, 50 minutes in heart rate zone 3, and then a final 10 minutes in heart rate zone 2. It felt like a productive session, and I'm happy with my progress so far. With only one week left before the big race day, I'm feeling both excited and nervous.

As well as marking the end of my last long run, today also signals a return to work after two weeks off with my family. I'm incredibly grateful for the time I had with them, and it was wonderful to have the opportunity to focus on my training while also spending quality time with my loved ones. I will definitely miss being with them during the day and can't wait for the next holidays to spend more time with them.

It's amazing to think that the London Marathon 2023 is almost here. This 16-week training program has been both challenging and rewarding, and I'm proud of myself for sticking with it. With only a few days left, I'm going to stay focused and keep pushing myself to be in the best possible shape for the race. Bring on next Sunday!


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