London Marathon 2023 Training Blog: Only Four Days to Go and Tapering with Intervals

 Welcome back to my London Marathon 2023 training blog! Today is day 108 out of 112, which means that there are only four days left until the big day. It's hard to believe that the end of my training is almost here, but I am feeling confident and ready to take on the challenge.

This morning, I went for a short intervals run in Rochester. The session consisted of 2 x 5 minute efforts in heart rate zone 4 with a 1 minute rest in between. Including the warm-up and cool-down, the entire run was under 30 minutes, which was perfect for a tapering session. It felt great to get out and stretch my legs, and the intervals helped me to maintain my speed and intensity.

Overall, my training has gone to plan so far, and I am feeling good about my progress. However, I have been experiencing some difficulty with sleep lately. My Garmin watch has told me for three days in a row that my sleep quality has not been the best. While there doesn't seem to be a specific reason for this, I know that getting enough rest is crucial for my performance on race day.

To combat this issue, I am making sure to get to bed at a reasonable time and creating a disturbance-free environment throughout the night. While I cannot control every factor that affects my sleep, I can do my best to create a calming and comfortable atmosphere to promote restfulness.

As the race draws nearer, I am feeling excited and a little nervous, but I know that I have put in the hard work to prepare. With only four days left to go, I am ready to take on the challenge and cross the finish line with pride.

Thank you for following my training journey so far, and I look forward to sharing my final thoughts and experiences with you after the race.


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