Pushing Through the Threshold: My Longest Zone 4 Interval Run in Training

 Today, on day 103 out of 112, I completed a threshold run with the longest interval in heart rate zone 4 throughout my entire training programme. I started with 25 minutes in zone 2, followed by a full 25 minutes in zone 4, and finished with another 25 minutes in zone 2.

During the zone 4 run, I found it challenging to keep my heart rate within the desired range. It required a great deal of mental fortitude to push through the discomfort and maintain my pace. However, I reminded myself of the importance of this type of training and the benefits it would bring to my overall fitness and performance.

Threshold runs are a crucial component of any endurance training programme. They help to increase your lactate threshold, which is the point at which your muscles start to fatigue due to the build-up of lactic acid. By training at this intensity, you are teaching your body to tolerate and clear lactic acid more efficiently, allowing you to maintain a higher intensity for longer periods.

Training in heart rate zone 4 is particularly effective for improving your lactate threshold as it corresponds to the intensity at which your body produces the most lactic acid. By gradually increasing the duration of your intervals in zone 4, you can push your lactate threshold higher and improve your overall endurance.

Despite the challenges I faced during today's run, I am proud to have completed it. The rain did not deter me either, as I knew the benefits of completing this workout would far outweigh any discomfort I felt in the moment.

Overall, today's threshold run was a reminder of the importance of pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zones in order to improve. By gradually increasing the intensity of our training, we can achieve significant gains in our fitness and performance. As the London Marathon draws nearer, I am confident that these types of workouts will help me to achieve my goals and complete the race with a strong finish.


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