Running with Polly: A Sleepy Adventure on Day 97 of London Marathon 2023 Training

 It's day 97 of my London Marathon 2023 training, and I'm still feeling a bit sluggish after last week's cold. However, I managed to lace up my shoes and head out for a nice gentle 40-minute run today.

To make things more interesting, I decided to take along my daughter Polly in her running buggy. I figured it would be a great way to get her out of the house and into the fresh air. Plus, it's always nice to have some company on my runs, even if that company is only a tiny human who was more interested in her chocolate bunny that she brought along for the ride.

But let me tell you, things did not go exactly as planned. As soon as we hit the pavement, Polly was out like a light. I'm not even sure she made it five minutes before she was fast asleep. It was like pushing a sack of potatoes along the road. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. Here I was, trying to give Polly a change of scenery, and she couldn't care less!

As for me, the run was pretty uneventful, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes it's nice to just zone out and enjoy the scenery without any added distractions. Plus, I'm still recovering from my cold, so a gentle run was exactly what my body needed.

All in all, it was a successful run, even if Polly wasn't exactly impressed with the view. I'm looking forward to getting back out there tomorrow and hopefully, Polly will stay awake for the next one. Thanks for reading, and happy running!


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