
Training for the London Marathon 2023: Dealing with Setbacks and Listening to Your Body

  Today was day 74 of my London Marathon 2023 training, and unfortunately, it didn't go as planned. I had a bit of a setback in that my legs really haven't recovered, and I am starting to feel that it wasn't Sunday's run that caused it. This was quite concerning for me as I don't want anything to jeopardise my preparation for the marathon. I decided to take a step back and reflect on the last few days, trying to think about anything that I had changed. It wasn't until I realised that I had changed my work shoes this week, and then walked in them for nearly 2 hours on Tuesday! It seems that this may have caused some strain on my legs, which is why they haven't recovered properly. This morning, I made the tough decision not to go for my run, as I felt that it would not be a good idea to try and run through the pain. I know that it is more important that I am ready to run the London Marathon on 23rd April, rather than trying to push myself too hard. Running thr

Conquering Maidstone Road: My Struggle with Interval Running on Day 73 of London Marathon Training

  Today marked day 73 of my London Marathon training, and it was back to interval running. I have to say, it was definitely a struggle today. My legs just didn't feel like they had fully recovered from the weekend, but I pushed through the 3 x 10 minute efforts in heart rate zone 4. One of the biggest challenges of today's run was tackling Maidstone Road in Rochester. If you're familiar with the area, you'll know that it's not an easy feat considering its continual rise. But I persevered and managed to conquer it! It's always a great feeling to push yourself beyond your limits and come out victorious on the other side. But let's not dwell on the tough bits - today wasn't all bad! In fact, I was lucky enough to sample the delights of the school dinner roast. It's always a treat to indulge in some good old-fashioned comfort food, especially when you've just completed a gruelling workout. Before I sign off, I just wanted to remind you all that you c

Day 72: Walking, Resting, and Preparing for Tough Intervals

  Day 72 of my London Marathon training programme involved taking a well-deserved break after the heavy half-marathon run on Sunday. As a result, I have enjoyed a rare two days off from running, and since I didn't have a car available, I walked to and from the train station for my daily commute. The extra physical activity meant that my step count remained high for the day, which was great. Tomorrow, I'm excited to get back to running with a tough intervals session. Interval training involves alternating between high-intensity exercise and recovery periods, making it an effective way to improve cardiovascular fitness and increase speed. While I have discussed interval training in previous blog posts, I believe it's worth mentioning again as it is a key part of my training routine. It helps me break up the monotony of long-distance runs and challenge my body in new ways. In summary, taking rest days is important for both physical and mental recovery during marathon training.

Porridge Mishap on Rest Day: Day 71 of London Marathon Training

  Today marks Day 71 of my London Marathon training blog, and I have to say, it's a short one. Why, you ask? Because it's rest day, that's why! And let me tell you, I am relieved about that fact. You see, this morning was extremely windy. I mean, it was absolutely wild out there! I'm glad I didn't have to run in that. In fact, the wind was so strong that when I took my bowl of porridge outside from my classroom to the staff room, I lost half of the porridge oats to the turbulent tornado in the walkway between the buildings. It was a real mess! But that's not even the worst part. When I opened the door to the staff room, who did I see but the deputy head! And there I was, being showered in Quaker's Finest! Can you imagine the embarrassment? I couldn't believe my luck. Anyway, I'm glad I have today to recover and regroup. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'll be ready to tackle whatever challenges come my way. Until then, happy training, fellow runners!

First Long Distance Run at Race Pace: A Successful Half-Marathon Training Run

  Today is day 70 of my London Marathon 2023 training, and after a day off from training yesterday due to life getting in the way, I was determined to get back on track. So, I set my alarm for 6:15am, had a small breakfast and a cup of coffee, and hit the road by 7am for my first long distance run at marathon race pace. I planned an out and back route, which took me along the A2 to Faversham. Surprisingly, I found it easy to settle into race pace whilst operating in heart rate zone 3. The run started off well, and I was feeling good. However, at the turning point, I quickly realised that I was feeling a little low on energy. I made a quick stop at the Co-Op to get a bottle of Lucozade. Note to self: in the training runs closer to the big day, I'll have a stash of energy gels about my person to counteract this problem. The rest of the run was fairly uneventful, and I completed the half-marathon distance with no issues. Well, except for the fact that I had miscalculated the distance

Staying Committed to Your Goals: Overcoming Setbacks in Marathon Training

  Today was day 69 of my London Marathon training, and I have to admit, it didn't go quite as planned. Some days in a training programme, life gets in the way, and that's precisely what happened to me today. But that's okay because I always had tomorrow to fall back on. Unfortunately, it means that I'll have to get up early to fit in the half-marathon distance. The weekend is jam-packed, and I don't want to miss my scheduled run. Running a half marathon distance is no joke, and I need to be mentally and physically prepared for it. I've learned that the most challenging part of training is staying disciplined and focused. Life is unpredictable, and things don't always go as planned, but that's part of the journey. It's essential to be adaptable and not let setbacks discourage you from reaching your goals. I've been following my training plan religiously, and it's been paying off. My endurance and speed have improved, and I'm feeling more c

Day 68: Short and Gentle Run to Prepare for Half Marathon Tomorrow

Today, I went for a short 20-minute run to keep my legs loose and ready for the half marathon distance run tomorrow. It was a gentle run, and I took it easy to avoid any unnecessary strain on my body. As I ran through the streets of Rochester, I enjoyed the fresh air and the feeling of my muscles warming up. Tomorrow's run will be an extra challenge as I plan to take Polly in her running buggy with me. It will be the furthest we have ever gone together, and I am excited about the challenge. However, I also know that it will be important to pace myself and listen to my body to avoid any injuries. Now that the run is complete, I am taking the time to rest up and ensure that my body is well-prepared for tomorrow's half marathon. I have been hydrating throughout the day, and I plan to get an early night to ensure that I am well-rested and energized for tomorrow's run. Overall, today's short run was a great way to prepare for tomorrow's challenge. I am feeling optimistic