
Conquering the Cold: Day 16 of My London Marathon 2023 Training

  Well, well, well, it's day 16 of my London Marathon 2023 training and let me tell you, it was bloody freezing out there today! I'm talking minus 3.5 degrees Celsius, so cold that I had to wear my neck scarf over my face! I even had to steal my wife's hat to keep my ears warm. Now, I know some of you may be thinking, 'Oh, it's just a bit cold, it's nothing.' But let me tell you, when you're trying to push your body to its limits, the last thing you want is to be feeling like an ice lolly. Anyway, moving on to today's session. I thought it was going to be the usual intervals session of 4 x 5 minutes heart rate zone 4 with 1:30 rest. But as I got to the school gates at the end of the final interval, my trusty old Garmin Fenix 6s Pro beeped at me, and upon looking down, it told me that I had a FIFTH 5-minute run to complete! Coupled with the intense cold, this was a real challenge as I don't like having to run past my finishing point. But, I'm

Day 15: Bracing for the Cold: Preparing for Tomorrow's Run in Rochester

  Day 15 of my London Marathon 2023 training and it was a most welcome rest day today, I tell you! After the hard runs at the weekend and a 90 minute run yesterday, my body was in need of a bit of a break. But, with tomorrow's forecast calling for a downright chilly -3 degrees Celsius in Rochester, my mind is already focused on preparing for the bracing run ahead. I'll be donning my warmest gear for this one, including my trusty hat and gloves. And who knows, there could even be some snow! But, I won't let a little bit of cold weather dampen my spirits. I'll be out there, braving the elements and sticking to my training schedule come rain, shine, or snow. I know that the hardships of training are what make the accomplishment of running the marathon that much sweeter. And let's be honest, who doesn't love a bit of a challenge? After all, if it was easy, everyone would do it, wouldn't they? So, if you're also training for a marathon, or any other big event

Day 14: Navigating the A2 and Sheep on a Long Run Day

  Day 14 of my London Marathon 2023 training journey was a long run day, and I decided to spend my 90 minutes on an out-and-back route in the direction of Faversham along the A2. The route took me through Bapchild, Teynham and Norton before I returned home. The run was quite challenging, as it was difficult to maintain my zone 2 heart rate. I found that the tiredness caused by a little less sleep from watching the Jaguars beat the Chargers in the NFL playoffs put my heart under a little more stress than usual. I didn't realise that lack of sleep could affect your heart rate like that, but it's something to keep in mind for the future. My wife suggested that my blog would be more interesting if I posted a picture of myself, so this time, I have a mid-run photo of me standing in front of some sheep. It's a reminder of the beautiful countryside that I get to run through on my training journey. Overall, it was a tough but rewarding run, and I'm looking forward to continuing

Day 13: Intervals in the Wind and a Watch that went a bit crazy!

 Today was intervals day for me and let me tell you, it was a bit of a blustery one. I was running into the wind for most of the way and it felt like I was trying to run through a hurricane. But, as they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? The intervals consisted of 4x5-minute hard runs in heart rate zone 4 with a 2-minute recovery in between. I was feeling good, pushing myself and getting into the zone. But then, something strange happened with my trusty Garmin Fenix 6s Pro. It started beeping at me and upon looking down, it said I was in heart rate zone 6 with a heart rate of 195! I immediately checked to make sure I wasn't in fact dead, but thankfully I was still alive and well. I quickly took my watch off, wiped it on my shirt and popped it back on. After a few seconds, it seemed to be working fine again. I was relieved that the problem was resolved, but it did make me wonder what caused the issue in the first place. It's possible that the watch may ha

London Marathon 2023 Training: Day 12 and Beyond - Powering through Intervals and the Long Haul

  Today marked day 12 of my London Marathon 2023 training journey and I must say, the rest day was most welcome. After a late night at the hospital with my daughter Polly, my legs were feeling like they had run a marathon themselves. But fear not, my trusty running shoes will be back on and ready for action tomorrow. I will also look forward to the extra couple of hours in bed tonight as Saturdays mean no 5:15am alarm call! Tomorrow has intervals back on the menu. I can already feel my lungs begging for mercy and my legs pleading for a break. But, I remind myself that the end goal is worth all the pain and suffering. And let's not forget, the delicious post-marathon treats that await me at the finish line. As if that isn't challenging enough, this Sunday's schedule includes a 90-minute run. It's a long haul, but I'll power through and remind myself that every step brings me closer to the finish line. So far, this journey has been a rollercoaster of emotions, but the

Day 11: Overcoming Adversity: Dealing with Unexpected Hospital Visits

  It's been a tough day, to say the least. My training schedule is demanding, and I have been pushing myself to the limit to achieve my goals. However, today was a day that I didn't expect and couldn't have prepared for. My daughter, Polly, fell ill unexpectedly and required a trip to the hospital. It was a worrying time, and I spent several hours with her in the long wait to be seen. Polly was seen by the doctors and was prescribed medication. She's happy and cheery, despite feeling unwell, which is a relief. She is doing well and will make a speedy recovery. Despite the unexpected interruption, I did manage to fit in my recovery session earlier in the day. The plan had me running for 30 minutes in heart rate zone 2, which is a low-intensity workout designed to aid recovery after a hard workout. This was followed by 30 minutes on the stationary bike, which is also a low-intensity workout that helps to increase blood flow and promote recovery. I have to admit, it was a

Day 10: Interval Insanity: Navigating the Hills of Rochester on the Road to London

  Day 10 of my London Marathon 2023 training blog and things are hotting up! Today was all about intervals, as I set out to tackle 4 x 5-minute hard runs in heart rate zone 4, with a 1:30-minute rest in between. Now, I won't lie, interval training is no walk in the park (even though I'm training for a marathon, ha!). It's tough work pushing yourself to keep in zone 4, but as they say, no pain, no gain! As I set out on my run, I made sure to keep my goal in mind: to try and run up hills as much as possible. Lucky for me, Rochester has plenty of hills to choose from! It's all part of the training to make sure I'm ready for whatever inclines the London Marathon route may throw my way. I must admit, by the end of the session, my legs were feeling it. But that's all part of the process, right? I knew exactly what I needed to do when I got home: a nice relaxing salt bath. Nothing beats a warm bath after a hard training session. It's the perfect way to soothe thos