
Recovering in the Sunshine: Day 44 of London Marathon Training with Polly

  Welcome back to my London Marathon training blog, and happy Day 44 of our journey towards the finish line! Today was a recovery run, and I have to admit, it was a much-needed break after some intense training sessions earlier in the week. Joining me on this run was my trusty running buddy, Polly, who accompanied me in her buggy. The weather was absolutely gorgeous today, with brilliant sunshine and a cool breeze blowing through the air. I couldn't have asked for a better day to go for a run, and Polly seemed to be just as excited as I was. As we started out on our 30-minute jaunt, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to run and soak up the sun. The run itself was relatively uneventful, which is just what I needed after some tough training sessions earlier in the week. I focused on maintaining a steady pace, while Polly happily looked around, taking in the scenery. It was so peaceful that Polly eventually dozed off, which I took as a sign that we were doing so

Day 43: Taking a Break After a Late Night NFL Super Bowl and a Relaxing Bath - My London Marathon 2023 Training Journey

  Today was a well-deserved rest day for me. I had a late night last night, watching the NFL Super Bowl with my brother, which was a fantastic game decided by the last kick. Another highlight was Rihanna performing during the halftime show. As a result, I slept in late and took full advantage of the children being taken to soft play, treating myself to a relaxing bath. Despite the rest, I'm still feeling a bit under the weather today, and my legs are particularly bad, likely a result of all the hard training I've been doing. So, tomorrow I think I'll be taking a recovery run to help get my legs back in shape and hopefully shake off this cold. As always, I'd like to remind everyone that you can still donate to the Sittingbourne Carnival Court via my GoFundMe page. Your support would be greatly appreciated as I continue on my journey to run the London Marathon for the second time. In conclusion, today was a much-needed rest day, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow

Day 42: 16 Miles from Sittingbourne to Whitstable

  Today was a big day in my London Marathon 2023 training journey. I decided to embark on my longest run yet and run the 16 miles from Sittingbourne to Whitstable. This is a route that I have run twice before, but a number of years ago, so it was a little daunting as I set out. I started my run feeling nervous but also excited. I had a good pace and the first few miles were a breeze. However, as I reached Faversham, which I thought was about halfway, I realised that it really wasn't close to halfway at all. It was a long run through the marshes of Graveney and onto Seasalter before arriving in Whitstable. Despite the challenge, I was determined to finish the run and I was proud of myself for pushing through. I took the opportunity to take a photo outside 'The Two Brewers', which was the first pub I ever ordered a pint from (for those who are interested, it was a pint of Guinness). It brought back memories of my younger days and gave me a boost of energy to finish the run. I

Day 41: Overcoming Mind Games: Interval Training on a Sick Day

  Today was a bit of a battle against my own mind, but I came out on top. I woke up feeling a little under the weather and really didn't feel like running at all, but I know that the best time to go for a run is when you are fighting against your own thoughts. That's when you have to win! So, I put on my running gear, laced up my shoes and headed out the door. I decided to do intervals today, 3 x 10 minute hard efforts in heart rate zone 4, with a 1:30 minute recovery in between each effort. It was tough, at times I still didn't want to run, but I managed to get through it. The feeling of accomplishment after finishing my run was worth all the effort and pushing through the tough moments. Tomorrow is a big day for me, as I will be running for 2 and a half hours, which will be the longest run in this training plan so far. I'm excited for the challenge and to see how far I've come in my training. I'm also looking forward to the endorphins and feeling of accomplish

Day 40 of my London Marathon Training Blog: Rest Day and Last Day at School Before Half-Term

  It has been an exciting and intense journey so far, and today was a much-needed rest day for me. I took the opportunity to catch my breath and let my body recover a bit before I gear up for the next set of training sessions. Today was also the last day at school before the half-term holiday. I must say, it has been a busy and productive term, and I am looking forward to spending some quality time with my family and friends over the next few days. Despite the busy schedule, I have been sticking to my training regimen and pushing myself to give it my all. I have been feeling the effects of the training, especially on my back and hamstrings. However, I am happy to report that they seem to have recovered a bit, and I am looking forward to getting back to training tomorrow. I am grateful for the support and encouragement I have received from my family, friends, and colleagues. Your kind words and encouragement have given me the motivation to keep going, and I am determined to give it my a

Overcoming the Cold and Back Pain: Day 39 of My London Marathon 2023 Training

  Today I had a slightly nicer intervals session than usual, with only 5 x 3 minute intervals with a 1:30 minute rest in between. However, this was only made difficult by two things. The first being the COLD! I mean, it was positively freezing out there this morning with frost still on the pavement and a slightly slippy surface. The second difficult thing was the pain in my back, which seems to have resurfaced. I think this time it's due to my hamstrings, which have always been tight and mixed in with the cold, it made my lower back feel like it was on fire. Despite the challenges, I got through the run okay, but I had to spend the majority of the day sitting down (which I do not enjoy as I prefer to teach at a standing desk). I have always been a firm believer in the benefits of movement, so sitting down all day felt a bit counter-productive. However, I know that rest is important too, and tomorrow will be a rest day for me, so I will be able to take it a little easier on my body.

Day 38: The Unexpected Hurdle

  Today started as any other training day for me, with my 30-minute recovery run around the streets of Rochester. I was feeling great and ready to tackle another day of teaching. However, just as I was getting ready to start the day at school, I received some unexpected news. My daughter Daisy was continuing to feel unwell and had not had a great night and upon seeking further medical advice, I needed to take her back to see the doctor. It was a stressful and worrying time, as it's never easy to see your children not feeling well. I quickly made arrangements and took her for some tests and observations. Despite the unexpected interruption, I was grateful to have a supportive team at work who were understanding and allowed me to take the time I needed. As a teacher and a parent, it's important to have that balance and support when unexpected things arise. Thankfully, after a few hours, Daisy seemed to be back on the road to recovery and was in good spirits. I was relieved and gr