
London Marathon 2023: Crossing the Finish Line and Reflecting on 16 Weeks of Training

  Today was the day - race day! The culmination of 16 weeks of training ended with the London Marathon today! It was an early start to get the train from Sittingbourne to Greenwich to reach the start line. The weather was particularly bad when I got there as it really started to rain quite heavily. But that didn't stop us getting to the start line and commencing the long 26.2 mile run to the finish. As I approached the starting line, my heart was racing with anticipation. The energy of the crowd was electric, and the sound of the starting gun was deafening. I started off at a steady pace, trying not to get caught up in the excitement of the moment. I knew that I had to pace myself if I wanted to finish strong. The first few miles went by quickly, and I was feeling good. My friend Paul Harris was standing in the middle of the road shouting my name at around mile 5, which was a great boost. The route then took me round the Cutty Sark, which had crowds that were around 10 deep in plac

Countdown to the Finish Line: My Final Thoughts Before the London Marathon 2023

This is it! One day to go until the big race day. Tomorrow morning I will be at the start line in Greenwich to kick off the 26.2 mile run. In fact, it is crazy to think that after these 16 weeks of training, this time tomorrow, I will have already crossed the finish line and be back home! It's been an incredible journey, and I can't believe it's almost over. As I sit here on the eve of the London Marathon 2023, I can't help but reflect on the past few months of training. It has been a tough journey with some ups and downs, but overall, I am extremely proud of myself for sticking with it. When I compare how I feel now with how I felt 4 years ago (when I last completed the London Marathon), my training this time has been so much better, and I have kept up with it too. I have learned so much about myself during this training period. I've learned that I am capable of pushing myself to new limits and that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. I've also learned

London Marathon 2023 Training Blog: Day 110 - Birthday Celebrations and Final Countdown

  Happy birthday to me and welcome to day 110 of my London Marathon 2023 training blog! Today has been an incredible day filled with love, laughter, and of course, running. I started the day with a nice and easy 30 minute run to shake off the cobwebs from my now 37 year old body. It felt great to start the day with a little bit of exercise, and it really set the tone for the rest of the day. After my run, I headed off to work and powered through my day. I must admit that my mind was constantly drifting towards the upcoming marathon, but I managed to stay focused and productive. The excitement and anticipation of the race is definitely starting to build as the big day draws nearer. But, the real celebration began when I got home. Kelly and our three girls had planned a wonderful pizza party for me, complete with all of my favorite toppings. It was so nice to kick back and relax with my loved ones and enjoy some delicious food. And what's a birthday celebration without a little bit o

London Marathon 2023 Training Blog: Race Number Collection Day and Cable Car Adventures

  Today was an exciting day as I went to collect my race number at the ExCel Centre. As Thursday was expected to be less busy, I decided to take myself up to the ExCel via the cable car from the O2 - and it was a great decision! When I arrived, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn't busy at all. I sailed through the collection process and soon had my race number in hand. The organisation was fantastic, and I navigated my way through the trade show with ease. As I walked around the trade show, I was amazed at the variety of products and services on offer. There were stands selling everything from high-tech running shoes to energy gels to recovery products. It was clear that the running community is well-catered for, and I made a mental note to try out some of the products once the race was over. After finishing up at the ExCel, I headed back home via the cable car again. It was such a great experience that I couldn't resist taking it twice! The views from the cable ca

London Marathon 2023 Training Blog: Only Four Days to Go and Tapering with Intervals

  Welcome back to my London Marathon 2023 training blog! Today is day 108 out of 112, which means that there are only four days left until the big day. It's hard to believe that the end of my training is almost here, but I am feeling confident and ready to take on the challenge. This morning, I went for a short intervals run in Rochester. The session consisted of 2 x 5 minute efforts in heart rate zone 4 with a 1 minute rest in between. Including the warm-up and cool-down, the entire run was under 30 minutes, which was perfect for a tapering session. It felt great to get out and stretch my legs, and the intervals helped me to maintain my speed and intensity. Overall, my training has gone to plan so far, and I am feeling good about my progress. However, I have been experiencing some difficulty with sleep lately. My Garmin watch has told me for three days in a row that my sleep quality has not been the best. While there doesn't seem to be a specific reason for this, I know that g

Walking through Parliament: A Training Day with a Difference

  Welcome back to day 107 of my London Marathon 2023 training blog! As you know, I am now in the final stages of my marathon preparation, and today was a training day with a difference. Instead of running, I opted for something completely different - walking! I was fortunate enough to be on a school trip to the Houses of Parliament today. This is something that I have been wanting to do for years, and when the opportunity arose, I jumped at the chance. As I live outside of London, travelling to the capital by train was necessary, which meant a significant amount of walking was involved. So instead of my usual run, I set myself a goal of achieving 17,000 steps throughout the day. The walk was a refreshing change from my regular running routine, and it allowed me to explore the city on foot, taking in all the sights and sounds of the bustling metropolis. As I strolled through the city, I was filled with excitement and anticipation for the big race day on Sunday. The realisation that the

Day 106 of London Marathon 2023 Training: Rest Day and Carb-Loading Begins!

Welcome back to day 106 of my London Marathon 2023 training blog! Today marked the beginning of the carb-loading process, but before we get into that, let's start with the fact that today was a rest day. After a long day back at work, I felt like I really needed the rest. I took this time to reflect on my training journey so far and reminded myself of how far I've come. With only 6 days left until the London Marathon, I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I'm ready to push my limits and accomplish my goal, but at the same time, I'm aware of the challenge that lies ahead. Today also marked the beginning of the carb-loading process. For those who aren't familiar with it, carb-loading involves increasing your carbohydrate intake a few days before a long endurance event like a marathon. The idea is to maximise your glycogen stores, which are the body's primary source of fuel during exercise. For dinner, I had an interesting combination of beef burgers and to