
Rain or Shine: Conquering the Elements in My London Marathon 2023 Training

  Today's run was a true test of my determination and perseverance. It was Day 100 of my London Marathon 2023 training, and the one word that summed up my experience was RAIN!!! It was pouring down throughout my entire interval session, making it one of the toughest runs I've had in a while. Thankfully, I had a 6 x 5 minute session scheduled for today, so I didn't have to push myself too hard for too long. The rain made it challenging enough, but I managed to keep up with the pace and complete each interval. Even though the elements were certainly against me, I didn't let it defeat me. I conquered the rain and triumphed over it! I have to admit, I don't think I would have been able to give much more today anyway as the weather made it so difficult. But I knew that skipping a day of training would only set me back, so I decided to push through it instead. I laced up my shoes and hit the pavement, determined to get my session done no matter what. And you know what? It

Day 99: Embracing my Inner Geek at Warhammer World and Recharging for the London Marathon

  Welcome back to my London Marathon 2023 training blog on day 99 out of 112. Yesterday, I completed a long run, which means today was a well-deserved rest day. I decided to make the most of this rest day and embrace my hidden inner geek at Warhammer World in Nottingham. Now, I know what some of you might be thinking - "isn't Warhammer just a game of toy soldiers?" But let me tell you, it's so much more than that. And if you need proof, just look at Henry Cavill, who played Superman in the recent movies, and is a huge Warhammer fan. Henry Cavill is a well-known advocate for the Warhammer hobby, and has even talked about how it helps him relax and unwind after a long day of work. If Superman himself can find the time and enjoyment to indulge in this hobby, then surely it's worth giving it a chance. I spent my day building some Blood Bowl models and walking around the exhibition, marveling at the intricate designs and attention to detail. However, as much as I enjoy

Two Weeks to Go: Enjoying the Countryside on Day 98 of My London Marathon 2023 Training

  I can hardly believe that there are only two weeks left until the London Marathon 2023! Day 98 of my training saw me embark on a route towards Faversham, but a split second decision saw me take a detour out into the stunning countryside towards Rodmersham, Kingsdown, and beyond. It was an absolutely beautiful day, and I relished the freedom to explore and enjoy the natural beauty around me. As I made my way across fields and up hills, the sun shining down on me, I felt incredibly grateful for the opportunity to run and to be alive. My training run for the day was split into two hours, with the first hour spent in heart rate zone 2 and the second in zone 3. I was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable I felt, given the distance and terrain. It was a great reminder of how far I've come over the past few months and the progress I've made in my fitness. As I get closer to race day, I know it's time to start tapering my training slightly. My programme will gradually reduce th

Running with Polly: A Sleepy Adventure on Day 97 of London Marathon 2023 Training

  It's day 97 of my London Marathon 2023 training, and I'm still feeling a bit sluggish after last week's cold. However, I managed to lace up my shoes and head out for a nice gentle 40-minute run today. To make things more interesting, I decided to take along my daughter Polly in her running buggy. I figured it would be a great way to get her out of the house and into the fresh air. Plus, it's always nice to have some company on my runs, even if that company is only a tiny human who was more interested in her chocolate bunny that she brought along for the ride. But let me tell you, things did not go exactly as planned. As soon as we hit the pavement, Polly was out like a light. I'm not even sure she made it five minutes before she was fast asleep. It was like pushing a sack of potatoes along the road. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. Here I was, trying to give Polly a change of scenery, and she couldn't care less! As for me, the run was pretty une

Pushing Through: My Intervals Training on Day 96 of London Marathon 2023 Training

I t's day 96 of my London Marathon 2023 training, and I am happy to report that I managed to get back out to a return of intervals training today. To be completely honest, I still wasn't feeling great this morning. I still had a bit of a sniffle and a chesty cough, but I was determined to get back on track for the final push towards the finishing line up The Mall on 23rd April. After a 10 minute warm up, I launched into 4 x 8 minute efforts in heart rate zone 4 with a 90 second rest in between each run. It was tough going, I won't lie. I had a few moments where I started coughing, but I pushed through to the end and am really pleased that I completed today's run. It's always a great feeling to push through a tough workout and come out the other side feeling accomplished. The great thing about completing your run first thing in the morning when you're on holiday is that you know that you have the rest of the day to do whatever you want without the thought of havi

Marathon Training: The Importance of Listening to Your Body

  As marathon training reaches its final weeks, it's not uncommon for runners to experience fatigue and various aches and pains. During this time, it's crucial to listen to your body and adapt your training accordingly to avoid causing any further damage or injury. This morning, I woke up still feeling very chesty and decided to switch my rest day with my intervals day. It wasn't an easy decision to make, especially so close to the big day, but I knew that my body needed the rest. It's been a tough week and a half with running, and I didn't want to risk hampering my recovery any further. It's important to remember that there's no shame in modifying your training schedule when your body needs it. Resting and taking a break doesn't mean you're slacking off or giving up. It means you're taking care of yourself, which is essential in the final stages of marathon training. It's also important to note that every runner's body is different. What

Running Towards My Goals: Day 94 of London Marathon 2023 Training

  Today, even though it's my Easter holiday, I was up early and out the door at 6:15am for my morning run. As I stepped outside, I noticed a frost on the ground. Although it's already April, Sittingbourne is still experiencing chilly mornings. However, I was excited to get out there and complete my 45-minute easy run as per my programme. I did feel a little chesty, but I knew that running would help me clear my lungs and feel better overall. As I ran along, I enjoyed the serene scenery around me. The quiet streets of Sittingbourne were peaceful and calming, and I felt grateful for the opportunity to be out there, enjoying the fresh morning air. The cool air was invigorating and helped me to wake up even more. After 45 minutes of running, I returned home feeling accomplished and ready to tackle the day ahead. It's amazing how a good run can boost your mood and energy levels, especially when you start your day with it. Tomorrow, I plan to go back to running some intervals. Be