
Last Long Run Before the Big Day: Reflecting on My London Marathon 2023 Training Journey

  Today was a significant day in my London Marathon 2023 training journey. It was the last run over an hour before the big race day next Sunday. I took Polly out again in her running buggy, and she lasted about 10 minutes before falling asleep this time! It's great to know that I can rely on this tactic to keep her calm and comfortable while I focus on my training. During the run, I spent 10 minutes in heart rate zone 2, 50 minutes in heart rate zone 3, and then a final 10 minutes in heart rate zone 2. It felt like a productive session, and I'm happy with my progress so far. With only one week left before the big race day, I'm feeling both excited and nervous. As well as marking the end of my last long run, today also signals a return to work after two weeks off with my family. I'm incredibly grateful for the time I had with them, and it was wonderful to have the opportunity to focus on my training while also spending quality time with my loved ones. I will definitely m

Day 104 of London Marathon 2023 Training: Low-Carb Loading and Easy Runs

  Today was a nice and easy day in my London Marathon training schedule. I had a short 30-minute run planned, and I decided to take Polly along with me in the running buggy. Polly had a late night yesterday and was feeling a bit grotty today, so I thought some fresh air might do her some good. In fact she ended up asleep in the buggy for two hours! The run was uneventful, which is always a good thing when it comes to training. I didn't push myself too hard, and I made sure to stay within my target heart rate zone. I felt good and strong, but I wasn't feeling particularly hungry, which is unusual for me. I suspect my body is already thinking ahead to next week, and the sheer volume of pasta I'll be consuming in order to do some low-level carb loading before race day. Carb loading is a strategy used by many endurance athletes to increase the amount of glycogen stored in their muscles and liver. Glycogen is the primary fuel source for long-duration, high-intensity exercise lik

Pushing Through the Threshold: My Longest Zone 4 Interval Run in Training

  Today, on day 103 out of 112, I completed a threshold run with the longest interval in heart rate zone 4 throughout my entire training programme. I started with 25 minutes in zone 2, followed by a full 25 minutes in zone 4, and finished with another 25 minutes in zone 2. During the zone 4 run, I found it challenging to keep my heart rate within the desired range. It required a great deal of mental fortitude to push through the discomfort and maintain my pace. However, I reminded myself of the importance of this type of training and the benefits it would bring to my overall fitness and performance. Threshold runs are a crucial component of any endurance training programme. They help to increase your lactate threshold, which is the point at which your muscles start to fatigue due to the build-up of lactic acid. By training at this intensity, you are teaching your body to tolerate and clear lactic acid more efficiently, allowing you to maintain a higher intensity for longer periods. Tra

Finding Balance: Life, Hobbies, and Marathon Training

  Welcome back to my London Marathon 2023 training blog! Today is day 102 out of 112, and unfortunately, life got in the way of my training. As much as we try to stick to a training plan, sometimes unexpected events can disrupt our routine, and that's okay. So, there was no run for me today, but I did manage to finish painting my latest Blood Bowl team. As a runner, I find it essential to have hobbies and other interests to keep me balanced and grounded. Painting miniatures is my go-to hobby, and it's a great way to unwind after a long day at work or a tough workout. Plus, it's always satisfying to see the finished product. While it's essential to prioritise our training, it's equally important to make time for the things that make us happy and help us relax. After all, training for a marathon is a long and challenging process, and we need to take care of our mental health as well as our physical health. Tomorrow is a new day, and I'll be back out on the streets

Day 101: Rest, Reflection, and Starting in Wave 7 - My London Marathon Journey Continues

  It was another rest day in my London Marathon 2023 training plan, and I must say, it was a welcome break. As much as I love to run, it's nice to have a day off to spend some quality time with my family and recharge my batteries. I made the most of the extra time by catching up on some reading and watching a movie with my loved ones. But despite the day off, I did receive some news that got me thinking. I found out that I'll be starting the London Marathon in wave 7. For those who don't know, due to the sheer number of participants, runners have to be split up into separate waves, meaning that I'll likely not start until around 40-45 minutes after the official start time. This is okay - I mean, I'm not looking to run at the front of the race! Everyone is chip timed anyway, so your time does not officially start until you cross the start line. But it did get me thinking about the logistics of such a huge event. The London Marathon is one of the biggest races in the

Rain or Shine: Conquering the Elements in My London Marathon 2023 Training

  Today's run was a true test of my determination and perseverance. It was Day 100 of my London Marathon 2023 training, and the one word that summed up my experience was RAIN!!! It was pouring down throughout my entire interval session, making it one of the toughest runs I've had in a while. Thankfully, I had a 6 x 5 minute session scheduled for today, so I didn't have to push myself too hard for too long. The rain made it challenging enough, but I managed to keep up with the pace and complete each interval. Even though the elements were certainly against me, I didn't let it defeat me. I conquered the rain and triumphed over it! I have to admit, I don't think I would have been able to give much more today anyway as the weather made it so difficult. But I knew that skipping a day of training would only set me back, so I decided to push through it instead. I laced up my shoes and hit the pavement, determined to get my session done no matter what. And you know what? It

Day 99: Embracing my Inner Geek at Warhammer World and Recharging for the London Marathon

  Welcome back to my London Marathon 2023 training blog on day 99 out of 112. Yesterday, I completed a long run, which means today was a well-deserved rest day. I decided to make the most of this rest day and embrace my hidden inner geek at Warhammer World in Nottingham. Now, I know what some of you might be thinking - "isn't Warhammer just a game of toy soldiers?" But let me tell you, it's so much more than that. And if you need proof, just look at Henry Cavill, who played Superman in the recent movies, and is a huge Warhammer fan. Henry Cavill is a well-known advocate for the Warhammer hobby, and has even talked about how it helps him relax and unwind after a long day of work. If Superman himself can find the time and enjoyment to indulge in this hobby, then surely it's worth giving it a chance. I spent my day building some Blood Bowl models and walking around the exhibition, marveling at the intricate designs and attention to detail. However, as much as I enjoy