
Showing posts from January, 2023

Day 30 of my London Marathon 2023 Training Blog: Interval Training on the Hills of Rochester

  Today I was back to interval training and took on 5 x 6-minute hard runs in heart rate zone 4, with a 1:30-minute recovery in between. And, of course, the trusty hills of Rochester were waiting for me. The hills of Rochester are my regular intervals route, and they never seem to get any easier. But, that's what makes it so rewarding. Today, my legs didn't feel fully recovered from Sunday's long run, but I was determined to push through. And push through I did! I've said it before, and I'll say it again - if you can run up and down the hills of Rochester, you can run anywhere. The hills were steep, and seemed to go on forever, but I didn't give up. I kept putting one foot in front of the other, and before I knew it, I had made it to the top. Now, as far as fuel goes, I did have a bowl of porridge for breakfast, but it wasn't a treat. It was simply fuel to help me recover from the hills of Rochester. And let me tell you, that bowl of porridge with honey was

Supporting the Revival of the Sittingbourne Carnival Court: My Journey to the London Marathon 2023

  Hello everyone! Today, on Day 29 of my London Marathon 2023 training, I'm excited to announce my support for a truly special community initiative - The Sittingbourne Carnival Court. The Sittingbourne Carnival Court was recently reformed in January 2023 after the Covid-19 pandemic almost brought the whole idea of the Court to an end. During this time, the Carnival Court float fell into disrepair and suffered storm damage, requiring total refurbishment. But, thanks to the tireless efforts of my wife Kelly and a number of volunteers, the Sittingbourne Carnival Court is now back on track and poised to bring the idea of 'Miss Sittingbourne' well into the third decade of the 21st century. I believe that the Sittingbourne Carnival Court is a vital part of the community, and I am committed to supporting its mission of empowering young people and promoting the town. That's why I am taking on the challenge of running the London Marathon 2023 and raising funds for the refurbishm

Day 28 of My London Marathon 2023 Training: A Long and Eventful Run to Faversham

  Today was a big day for me as I took on a long run in the direction of Faversham. I have done this particular route a few times before, so I had a good idea of what I was in for. The plan was to run for 2 hours 15 minutes in heart rate zone 2, but as it turns out, I ended up running for 2 hours 22 minutes - the longest continuous run I've had in years! As I set out this afternoon, I was filled with excitement and a bit of nervousness. I've always loved running, but it's been a few years since I've pushed myself to run for this long, so I wasn't sure how my body would respond. But I was determined to give it my best shot and see where I could get. To keep myself going, I made sure to stay well hydrated by using the water reservoir in my backpack. I also had some fruit pastilles on hand to keep my energy levels up. With these two things in place, I felt ready to tackle the route ahead. The first few miles of the run went smoothly. I felt good, my breathing was stead

Day 27: The Intensity is Rising - My London Marathon Training Diary

  Day 27 of my London Marathon training and I'm feeling the heat, quite literally. Today's session was another intervals extravaganza and let me tell you, it was intense. I had to endure THREE, yes, THREE 10-minute hard efforts in heart rate zone 4, with a short 2-minute recovery in between. Now, I know what you're thinking, 'That sounds like a tough challenge,' so trust me, it was far from easy. Due to the effects of regular training, I have to push myself to the brink of collapse just to get into heart rate zone 4. And let's not forget about my legs, they can only go so fast, and at the moment, they're feeling like lead weights. But, I've got this, I'll make it to the finish line, even if it's crawling on my hands and knees. On top of the physical strain, I'm also starting to feel the tiredness kick in during the daytime. By evening, I'm pretty much useless, and I'm pretty sure if you asked me to do a simple maths equation, I'd

Rest Day Interrupted: Training for a marathon and taking care of our furry friends

  Day 26 of my London Marathon 2023 training and it was supposed to be a rest day for me, but our furry companion Lola had other plans. She decided to stage a one-dog-protest against staying inside all day and caught a cold. So, it was off to the vet for her and a little worry ensued. But the good news is, Lola is on the mend and we can finally breathe a sigh of relief. It's a reminder that even on our rest days, life can still be unpredictable and it's important to take care of ourselves and our loved ones, both human and furry. And let's be real, who doesn't love a good excuse to skip a workout? It's also a reminder that training for something as big as a marathon takes more than just physical preparation. It takes mental preparation as well. Being able to handle unexpected challenges and setbacks, and still come out on the other side ready to keep pushing forward. We're glad Lola is back to her silly self and we'll be back to training tomorrow with renewe

Lost and Found: My Day 25 Fartlek Adventure in Rochester

  Today marked the return of fartlek running to my London Marathon 2023 training plan. For those of you who are unfamiliar, fartlek running is a type of training that involves alternating periods of fast and slow running. Essentially, it's like playing a game of tag with yourself, where the "it" person is your own personal best time. I set out for a 45-minute effort around Rochester, but with the added challenge of it being dark outside. I thought I had planned my route perfectly, mapping out a course that would bring me back to my school just in time for my morning work routine. However, as fate would have it, I took a couple of wrong turns and ended up in a part of Rochester that I didn't even know existed. It was a strange experience, running through a park on a steep grassy bank in the dark. I felt like I was in some sort of adventure movie, where the protagonist gets lost in the wilderness and has to fend off wild animals and other dangers. But alas, there were n

Day 24: Pushing Limits: Reflecting on My Recovery Run and the Progress of My London Marathon Training

  Day 24 of my London Marathon 2023 training blog and it was time for a recovery run. As I laced up my trainers and headed out into the streets of Rochester, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. After all, recovery runs are the unsung heroes of marathon training - they're the runs that allow your body to rest and recover, so you can tackle your next hard workout with renewed energy and vigour. Today's recovery run was a gentle 30 minutes around the streets of Rochester, with the goal of keeping my heart rate in zone 2. Now, I have to say, I was quite surprised at how difficult it was to get my heart rate up into the required zone. I found myself having to run faster than I have done previously to hit the target, which is interesting as I considered myself a 'plodding' runner before starting this training programme. But, as I thought about it more, I realised that this can only mean one thing - my training is starting to have an effect on

Running Up Hills and Kicking Goals: Day 23 of My London Marathon 2023 Training

  Day 23 of my London Marathon 2023 training and it was back to intervals today. The intensity level is really starting to ramp up with 3 x 8 minute runs in heart rate zone 4 with a 2 minute recovery. The warm up also subtly increased to 15 minutes, so I expect my mileage to increase this week. The third interval was a real killer, especially as I had to run the entire duration up Mai dstone Road in Rochester. If you're not familiar with the area, it's a long and punishing hill, and I'm pretty sure it's the reason why the locals are so fit. But, on a positive note, my knee doesn't seem to be giving me any problems today. As a teacher, I'm used to feeling the pressure to push through difficult tasks and this training has been no different. It's been a mental and physical challenge, but I'm determined to make it to the finish line. The thought of crossing that finish line and achieving my goal is what keeps me going on those tough days. I'm excited to

Day 22 of London Marathon 2023 Training: The Importance of Listening to Your Body

  Today was another rest day for me, which was a good thing as my right knee began to ache. While it's probably nothing serious, it's important to listen to your body and take the necessary precautions to prevent injury. One way I did this today was by sitting a bit more at work. As a rule, I stand up 99% of the time and work and teach at a standing desk. However, today I made an exception and took a bit more time to sit and give my knee a break. Rest days are an important part of any training plan, and it's crucial to listen to your body and take the time to recover when needed. It's better to take a step back and rest now, than to push through an injury and risk missing out on the marathon altogether. Tomorrow, I'll be back to training with more intervals. I'm feeling refreshed and ready to tackle my next training session.

Running with a Buddy: Tales from Day 21 of My London Marathon Training

  Day 21 of my London Marathon training and it was time for the long run. Today, I decided to take a scenic route around the outside of Sittingbourne and it took me a total of 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete. Normally, I prefer to run solo, but today I had my trusty running buddy Polly with me in the buggy. Having her with me definitely made the run more enjoyable and less lonely. I mean, who doesn't love a little company during a long run? However, as the run came to an end, I was incredibly tired. I realized that I had stayed up the night before to watch the end of the Jacksonville Jaguars vs Kansas City Chiefs game (unfortunately, the Jags lost), which definitely took a toll on me. After the run, I couldn't resist the temptation to take a nap and ended up sleeping for an hour. I guess you could say that I was "running on empty" after staying up late to catch the game. But all jokes aside, it's important to listen to your body and make sure to get enough rest

Pushing Through the Tough Days: Reflections on Day 20 of London Marathon Training

  Today marked day 20 of my training for the London Marathon and it was back to intervals. I was in for a bit of a shock when I saw that the workout included two TEN-minute runs in heart rate zone 4. This was a significant step up from my usual interval training and I knew it was going to be a tough workout. As I began my warm-up, I felt a mix of excitement and nerves. I knew that this workout would challenge me, but I also knew that pushing myself to new limits would ultimately make me a stronger runner. And so, I set off on my first ten-minute interval, feeling the familiar burn in my legs and the quickening of my breath as my heart rate rose. As the minutes ticked by, I could feel myself struggling to keep my pace up. It was like dragging myself through treacle towards the end of each interval. There's nothing worse than looking down at your watch and seeing that you've only run another 15 seconds since the last time you checked. I found myself counting down the seconds, wil

Day 19: Official Confirmation: I Have a Spot in the London Marathon 2023

  Today was supposed to be a rest day in my London Marathon training, but I had some great news that made it feel like anything but a rest day. I officially have a spot in the London Marathon 2023! As you all know, I've been training hard for this event and it's finally official. I can't wait to lace up my shoes and hit the streets of London. I know it's going to be a challenging journey, but with all your support and encouragement, I am confident that I will be able to finish the marathon. I am also excited to announce that I will be running for a charity. I am still in the process of deciding which charity I want to support, so I will keep you posted on that one. Thank you all for your support and encouragement throughout my training. I'm excited to share my journey with you and can't wait to cross that finish line. Although today was a rest day, this news is just the motivation I need to keep pushing forward.

Day 18: Braving the Elements: Navigating Cold Weather Training for the London Marathon

  Today marks day 18 of my London Marathon 2023 training journey and it's been a bit of a mixed bag. I started off the morning with a 45-minute recovery run in heart rate zone 2, and I must say, it was a bit of a challenge to be back on the pavements after spending yesterday on the stationary bike. The weather was as expected, with the temperature hovering around a chilly 1 degree Celsius. Despite the cold, I reminded myself that this is all part of the training process and that the more I push myself now, the better prepared I'll be come marathon day. I'm happy to report that I felt reasonably good throughout the run. I didn't feel too tired or sluggish and I was able to maintain a steady pace. I focused on my breathing and tried to keep my heart rate in check, which can be a bit of a challenge when running on the pavement. One of the things that I've been working on throughout my training is my form. I've been trying to keep my shoulders relaxed, my arms swing

Day 17: Feeling the Adverse Effects of No Food Before Training

Today was cross-training day for my London Marathon 2023 training programme and you know what that means? Yep, it's time to hop on the stationary bike at the school gym. Now, don't get me wrong, I love a good cardio workout as much as the next person, but let's be real, the stationary bike is about as thrilling as watching grass grow. The real issue I faced today, however, was the lack of food before my session. You see, when you wake up early and more or less exercise straight away, it leaves little time for a proper breakfast. And, as you can imagine, an empty stomach is not something I cope well with. So, I may have to try having a small snack like fruit to go along with my coffee for the drive to school. I don't want to faint outside the school gates now, do I? But, in all seriousness, it's important to fuel your body properly before any workout, especially when training for a marathon. Trust me, I've learnt my lesson the hard way. And, as the saying goes, &