
Showing posts from March, 2023

Day 89: Dealing with a Cold During Marathon Training

  Today has been a tough day for me as the cold has hit me really badly. It's never easy when you're training for a marathon and your body starts to feel weak. I limped through work today and it was a real struggle to stay focused and productive. I felt like my head was in a fog and my energy levels were extremely low. It was a reminder that sometimes, we need to take a break and give our bodies the rest they need. Now, as I'm getting ready for bed, I'm signing off for the day. I know that the best thing I can do right now is to rest as much as I can to help my body recover from this one. I won't be doing any training today, but that's okay. My priority is to get better and be ready for the next training day. So, if you're feeling unwell or exhausted, take a break. Listen to your body and give yourself the time and space you need to recover. This will not only help you get back on your feet faster, but it will also prevent further setbacks down the road. Rem

Day 88: Battling Through Illness in Marathon Training

  Today has been a tough one as I am still feeling under the weather. As predicted, the cold has really hit me hard and it has made it difficult for me to get through the day. Despite feeling unwell, I managed to drag myself through the work day. I know that it's important to listen to my body and give it the rest it needs, but there are times when we just have to push through and get things done. Today was one of those days for me. However, I am not going to push myself too hard. I know that rest is crucial for recovery, especially when you're training for a marathon. So, I have decided to call it an early night and get some much-needed rest. It's important to remember that when you're training for a marathon, it's not just about the physical training. It's also about taking care of your body and mind. Rest and recovery are just as important as the actual training, and pushing yourself too hard can lead to burnout or injury. As frustrating as it can be to have

Day 87 of London Marathon 2023 Training: Taking a Rest Day to Recover from a Cold

  Today was supposed to be a day of rest and recovery for my body after a week of intense training. However, unfortunately, it seems that my body had other plans for me. For the first time in this training program, I have been struck down with a cold. My throat feels like it is full of razor blades, and my eyes are on fire. It's possible that I will also have to miss tomorrow's planned run. I'm not going to lie; it's frustrating to be hit with an illness during my marathon training. After weeks of putting in hard work and dedication to my training plan, it's disappointing to be sidelined by something as seemingly small as a cold. However, I know that it's important to listen to my body and take the rest I need to recover. Rest days are essential in any training plan, and they become even more important when our bodies are fighting off an illness. Our bodies need time to heal, and taking a day or two to rest can actually help speed up the recovery process. It'

Day 86: Challenging 1km Intervals and Scenic Routes

Today marks day 86 of my training, and I am excited to share with you my recent interval training session. As I had mentioned in my previous blog posts, I have been regularly incorporating interval training into my routine to help build my speed and endurance. Today's session was a return to 1km intervals, which are particularly challenging as there is no option but to keep pushing until the distance is completed. For this workout, I completed six 1km efforts in heart rate zone 4 with a 1:30 minute recovery in between each interval. There were times in the final interval where I was really dragging myself up the hill but I got through it and I am proud to do so. To make the most of this session, I decided to take myself once again across Medway Bridge into Strood and back over Rochester Bridge to complete my run. I really like this route as it provides a nice balance of uphills and downhills. Tomorrow will be a rest day for me, which I am looking forward to. Rest days are just as i

Balancing Rest and Training: Day 85 of London Marathon 2023 Training Blog

  Hello and welcome to day 85 of my London Marathon 2023 training blog. Today was a well-deserved rest day and my legs surprisingly felt good, despite yesterday's 18-mile run. I was pleasantly surprised by this and I attribute it to a decent night's sleep. It's amazing what a good night's rest can do for your body, especially when it comes to muscle recovery. Tomorrow, I'll be back to intervals with an early rise at 5:15 am. While I'm excited to get back to running tomorrow, I'm also aware that the next few weeks are going to be tough in the lead up to the 23rd of April. As the marathon approaches, the intensity of training increases, and it becomes crucial to maintain a proper balance between rest and training. One of the biggest challenges in marathon training is finding the right balance between pushing yourself and preventing injury. It's essential to avoid overtraining and to allow your body to recover. This means taking rest days seriously and maki

"Running in the Rain: My Longest Run Yet" - Day 84 of London Marathon 2023 Training Blog

Today is Sunday, and that means it's my long run day. I woke up to the sound of rain tapping on my window, but I knew I had to lace up and hit the road. As I set out towards Faversham, the weather was cold and wet, and the rain didn't let up for the entire 3 hours and 11 minutes that I was on the road. For the first 2 hours and 15 minutes of my run, I focused on holding a steady heart rate in zone 2. This is an essential part of my training as it helps me build my aerobic base and endurance. It's crucial to be patient and maintain a slower pace at the beginning of a long run as it allows my body to conserve energy for the latter part of the run. As I headed back towards Sittingbourne, I decided to pick up the pace and ran in heart rate zone 3 for 45 minutes. It felt good to push myself, and it was a great way to simulate the latter part of a marathon when I need to pick up the pace and push through the fatigue. As I approached home, I slowed down for just over 10 minutes to

Day 83 of London Marathon Training: Running with the Buggy at Sittingbourne Parkrun

  Today marks Day 83 of my London Marathon 2023 training, and I'm thrilled to share some great news with you. This morning, I participated in the Sittingbourne Parkrun, and what made it even more special was that I was able to bring Polly along in her running buggy. It has been a while since I've joined one of these events, and I must say, it was refreshing to get out and run with other people in a race setting. It was a little slow at the start as I had to make sure that I didn't run anyone over with the buggy, but I managed to push myself sensibly and completed the race with a time of 27:04, which is just a few seconds shy of my Parkrun PB. What made the event even more enjoyable was that I bumped into my former science teacher at the finish line. I often see him at running events, and it was great to catch up. Participating in the Sittingbourne Parkrun was an excellent way to gauge my progress in my London Marathon 2023 training, and I'm pleased with how things are g

Day 82: Pushing Through the Pain - Intense Interval Training

  Today's training session was an intensive interval session, which began with a 15-minute warm-up before moving into 5 x 2 minute efforts in heart rate zone 4, with a 1 minute recovery between each effort. Although the distance was shorter, it was mentally tough to maintain my pace and not push myself too hard. I had to ease off a couple of times to prevent over-stressing my body and pushing my heart rate into the anaerobic zone. As I wind down for the day, I'm looking forward to getting some well-deserved rest. Fortunately, I have no early wake-up calls tomorrow, so I can sleep in and let my body recover. I won't be stretching before bed, but I'll make sure to do some light stretching before my next run. With the London Marathon only a few weeks away (don't forget, it's on April 23rd!), the pressure is on to maintain my training regimen. It's a challenge to keep pushing myself forward, but I know it'll be worth it when I cross that finish line.

Day 81 of London Marathon Training: Recharging on a Rest Day

  It's day 81 of my London Marathon training, and today is a rest day. I was so grateful to have a little longer in bed this morning and catch up on some much-needed sleep. Sleep is something that I have been struggling with during my training. With all the long runs and intense workouts, it's been tough to get enough rest. But today, I was able to take a step back and recharge my batteries. It's crucial to give our bodies time to recover and rebuild, especially during intense training periods like this. I know that I am pushing myself to the limit, so it's essential to take advantage of rest days like today. As I look ahead to the next few weeks, I know that my training will only get more intense. Fortunately, I will have a couple of weeks off over Easter, which will give me a chance to get some much-needed recovery time. I plan on taking it easy during this time, so I can come back stronger and ready to tackle the final few weeks before the big day. Before I go, I wan

Day 80 of London Marathon 2023 Training: Conquering Longer Interval Runs and Beautiful Scenery

  It's Day 80 of my London Marathon 2023 training, and I'm excited to share with you how my run went this morning. Today's workout was a little longer than usual, with 4 x 8 minute efforts in heart rate zone 4 and a 2-minute rest in between. To warm up, I did a 15-minute jog, and then I decided to take a longer route since the mornings have been lighter lately. I took myself through Borstal, across the M2 Medway bridge, and down into Strood. This route offered a wonderful view over the River Medway, and running across the old Rochester Bridge towards the Rochester Castle was a great experience. The scenery was absolutely breathtaking, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to take in such beautiful sights. The run itself went well, and I felt strong throughout the intervals. My heart rate was consistently in zone 4, and the 2-minute rest between intervals was just enough time to catch my breath before starting the next one. However, because the route

Day 79 of the London Marathon 2023 Blog: Pushing Through Fatigue

  Today was day 79 of my training for the London Marathon 2023. After a late night yesterday, I found it difficult to wake up and get going. However, I pushed through my fatigue and completed a gentle 35-minute recovery run. Recovery runs are important for any runner as they allow the body to recover from intense workouts and prevent injuries. Tomorrow, I have an intervals run planned, and I'm excited to increase the intensity slightly from previous weeks. Intervals are a great way to improve speed and endurance, and I'm looking forward to seeing my progress. As I approach the London Marathon, I'm reminded of the reasons why I started this journey. While I'm not running for a specific cause, I'm grateful for the opportunity to support my community by raising funds for the Sittingbourne Carnival Court. If you'd like to donate, you can do so through my GoFundMe page. As I move forward in my training, I know that there will be challenging days, but I'm ready t

Sticking to the Routine: Day 78 of London Marathon Training

  Day 78 of London Marathon training brought a much-needed rest day after yesterday's grueling 3-hour run. Surprisingly, the legs feel good, and there's no major soreness or stiffness. This is a positive sign as the marathon draws closer, and the body needs all the rest it can get. However, it's not all relaxation as work is super busy at the moment. There's a looming Ofsted inspection, and everyone is on their toes. Despite this, the morning run tomorow will still be a non-negotiable aspect of the day. It's vital to stick to the routine, no matter how busy things get. Sticking to a routine is one of the keys to success in marathon training. It's essential to maintain a consistent and structured approach to training, regardless of external factors such as work or life stresses. By sticking to the routine, it ensures that there is a certain level of predictability and familiarity, which can reduce anxiety and stress. So, as day 78 draws to a close, it's time

Day 77: A Refreshing Run to the Isle of Sheppey - Building Confidence for the London Marathon 2023

  It was an early start to my day as I had to prepare bacon sandwiches for Kelly's Mother's Day breakfast. It was a small sacrifice as I knew I had to get out and embark on today's 3-hour long run. I didn't get to enjoy a sandwich myself, but the satisfaction of knowing that I had helped make someone's day special was worth it. To keep things fresh and interesting, I decided to switch up my route and headed towards the Isle of Sheppey. I ran over the old bridge, which has to be raised for passing ships, and onto the island. The sun was shining, and the weather was perfect for running. As I ran, I took in the sights and sounds of my surroundings, from the boats on the water to the peaceful and calm life of the countryside. My run took me through to Minster-on-Sea, and I have to say, it was one of the most enjoyable runs I've had so far. My legs felt good, and I was able to maintain a steady pace throughout the entire run. I even managed to put in 30 minutes at ma

Finding Balance: Day 76 of London Marathon Training

  Today was a much needed rest day for me in preparation for tomorrow's three hour run. As much as I love running, I know how important it is to give my body the rest it needs in order to perform at its best. So, today I took it easy and focused on spending some quality time with my family. I was able to take my daughter Daisy to her science club, which she absolutely loved! Seeing her enthusiasm for learning and exploring new things was truly inspiring. It's moments like these that make me grateful for the opportunity to be a parent and to share in my child's growth and development. In addition to spending time with Daisy, I also managed to fit in a sit down on the sofa with a napping Polly. As any parent knows, nap time is a precious commodity and I was grateful for the chance to relax and recharge before tomorrow's big run. As I reflect on today's rest day, I am reminded of the importance of balance in my training. It's not just about running long distances a

From Injury Setback to 3 Hour Run: My Marathon Training Journey Continues

  Welcome back to my London Marathon training blog on day 75! Today, I want to talk about my plans for this weekend's 3 hour run and how I'm preparing for it. As you may recall from my last blog post, I experienced a slight injury setback yesterday during my run. However, I didn't let that deter me from my training plan. This morning, I went out for a little run to test my legs, and thankfully, everything felt good. As I suspected, the cause of the problem was the change of work shoes. Looking ahead to this weekend, I'm planning to do a 3 hour run. This will equal my longest run so far and to prepare, I'm making sure to incorporate plenty of rest into my training plan. Rest and recovery are just as important as the actual running, so I'm making sure to prioritise them. I'm also planning my route carefully, making sure to include refueling stops along the way. Proper hydration and nutrition are crucial during long runs, so I'm making sure to plan accordin